Welcome to the Jr. / Sr. High Student Council Page!

Welcome to the BK Jr/Sr High School Blog! The student council is responsible for putting on a variety of activities including Homecoming and Wintersports. However, there is a lot more to student council than that! We have annual fundraisers and on-going philanthropy projects, aid in community service projects, and address student concerns.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Tis the Season...

During the Holidays we often feel the pull to give back to our community, our favorite charities and our fellow man when we reflect on the many blessings we have experienced over the last year. Becoming an annual tradition for the Jr/Sr High Student Council, we are working on stocking the shelves of the Belmond Community Food Pantry yet again. Students have been working hard on collecting food at home athletic events, campaigning with their peers to bring in needed food items, and collecting non-perishables at the Elementary Christmas Concert! Items of top necessity include: Mac and Cheese, Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Flour/Sugar, Canned Fruit, and Jello/Pudding. If you are willing to donate please see Mrs. Stein as soon as possible! Along with our efforts for the food pantry, student council members have been busy volunteering their help with the organization, supervision, and production of the Jacobson Elementary Christmas Concert. Students will be talking students to the bathroom, helping keep students entertained, connecting students with parents, etc.! Tis the Season!!!!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Homecoming 2012!

Monday, October 8th Dress-Up: Support Your Sport Team (JH/HS) and Western Day (Elem) Whole District Pep Assembly @ Jacobsen Gym @ 9:05 Agenda: National Anthem School Song HS Cheer Elementary Cheer Introduction of Court Cross-Country Team---Only Seniors Come Up Volleyball Team---Only Seniors Come Up Football Team---Only Seniors Come up Marching Band---Only Seniors Come Up Choir---Only Seniors Come Up Recognition of Band/Choir All State Auditioners Athletics Activity---Scooter Race Radio-thon Pie in the Face Homecoming Video School Song Pep Assembly @ Rehabilitation Center @ 10:00 (Band, Cheerleaders, Court, and Senior Football Players, Senior Volleyball, and Senior XC Only) Agenda: School Song Cheer Court Sport Seniors Cheer School Song Athletics and Fine Arts: JV Football @ 6:30 @ Home JH/JV/V X-Country @ 4:00 @ FC JH Volleyball @ 4:15 @ Home V Volleyball @ 6:00 @ WF Tuesday, October 9th Dress-Up: Redneck Tuesday (JH/HS) and Dress Up Nice Day (Elem) Pizza Eating Contest @ 11:55 in the Gym Competitors (3 per team): VB: Taylor, Amie, and Mikala FB: Logan, Heath, and Oscar XC: Claire, Derek, Eric Staff: Kremer, Kyte, and Wessels Coronation Practice @ 2:30 in Auditorium Sports Reps: Claire Smith, Mikala Branstad, Reed Lette, and Kody Smith Emcee: Coronation @ 7:30 in Auditorium Lifetouch Arrives @ 7:20…Group pictures after Coronation Jersey Auction Following Coronation Bonfire after Coronation Following Jersey Auction in the back Northwest corner of the parking lot (by the bus barn) Agenda: School Song Cheer Snake Dance School Song Athletics and Fine Arts: JH Football @ 4:15 @ WF JH Volleyball @ 4:15 @ NI Wednesday, October 10th Dress-Up: Show Your Bling Day (JH/HS) and Farmer Day (Elem) Wednesday Afternoon Activities High School Runs a Special 2:30 Dismissal Schedule Volleyball Tournament in Gym Thursday, October 11th Dress-Up: Homecoming T-Shirt Day (JH/HS) and Camo Day (Elem) Athletics and Fine Arts: -JH Volleyball @ 4:15 @ Home -JH/JV/V X-Country @ 4:30 @ MC Newman Friday, October 7th Dress-Up: School Spirit Day (ALL District) Parade Line-Up @ 2:00 Parade @ 2:30 City Park Pep Rally @ 3:00 Agenda: School Song Cheer Court Activity Football Seniors Cheer School Song Athletics and Fine Arts: -V Football @ 7:00 @ Home Saturday, October 13th 50th Reunion Tour at 9:00 a.m. High School Dance @ 9:00-11:30 in the Student Center

Friday, January 6, 2012

Winter Sports Schedule

Monday, January 23rd
Dress-Up: Pajama Day
Athletics and Fine Arts:

Tuesday, January 24th
Dress-Up: Black Out Day
Donut Eating Contest @ 11:55 in the Gym
Athletics and Fine Arts:
-JH Wrestling @ Clear Lake
-JV/V G and B BB @ Mason City Newman

Wednesday, January 25th
Dress-Up: Wacky Wednesday
Wednesday Afternoon Activities
Dismiss after 7th Period (2:28)
Dodgeball Tournament in Gym
Athletics and Fine Arts:
-Academic Awards Assembly @ 1:50
-Building Families Parent Night @ Jacobsen @ 6:00

Thursday, January 26th
Dress-Up: Summer Sun Day
Coronation Practice @ 2:30 in Gym
Judging of Halls During 3rd Period
Athletics and Fine Arts:
-JV/V Wrestling @ North Butler

Friday, January 27th
Dress-Up: School Spirit Day
Pep Assembly at 3:00
Coronation @ Halftime of Boys BB Game
Athletics and Fine Arts:
-JV/V G and B BB @ Home

Saturday, January 28th
Dance in Student Center @ 8:30-11:00
Athletics and Fine Arts:
-NIC Wrestling @ NIACC

Food Pantry Update!

Throughout first semester the Belmond-Klemme Jr/Sr High Student Council has been working on month long drives to raise money and food donations for the Belmond Community Food Pantry. As of Friday, December 16th we have raised over $100 to buy gallons of milk, and more surprising than that we have filled the back of four trucks with food and household necessitities! The responsibility, charitable donations, and effort has not fallen only on students' shoulders however. Local businesses have collected food, local farmers have donated bushels of corn to be sold and had the proceeds donated, students and faculty have donated money and food items, and the list goes on! It has truly been a community-wide effort! We should be proud!