Welcome to the Jr. / Sr. High Student Council Page!

Welcome to the BK Jr/Sr High School Blog! The student council is responsible for putting on a variety of activities including Homecoming and Wintersports. However, there is a lot more to student council than that! We have annual fundraisers and on-going philanthropy projects, aid in community service projects, and address student concerns.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Trick or Treat for the Food Pantry

On October 31st the Belmond-Klemme High School Student Council went trick-or-treating around local businesses for food pantry items. All businesses visited were notified via mail about the activity. If you would like to donate to the Community Food Bank in Belmond please contact Mrs. Stein at callie.stein@belmond-klemme.k12.ia.us or (641) 444-4300 ext. 244. Items of necessity at this time include laundry soap, body soap, pasta, pasta sauce, jello, pudding, and canned chicken or tuna. If you can give, please do! The students had a blast, and the event was a big success! Thank you to all the area businesses that participated!

Friday, October 14, 2011

JH Student Council Leadership Conference

On Wednesday, October 12th the Junior-High Student Council attended the annual Iowa State Student Council Leadership Conference in Boone. The students had a chance to listen to fellow middle schoolers tell stories of how they have shown leadership and volunteerism, listen to Fax Gilbert, (an insprirational speaker on bullying who is also a comedian, magician, and mime), attend break out sessions to learn about the seriousness of facebook and text message bullying, and how they can lead the way to improve bullying at their school. It was a great day, and the kids had a lot of fun!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Homecoming 2011 Pictures!

You can see some of the fun activities and extreme costumes so far for 2011 Belmond-Klemme Homecoming!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Homecoming 2011

Monday, October 3rd
Dress-Up: Throwback Day (HS) and Color Day (Elem)
Whole District Pep Assembly @ Jacobsen Gym @ 9:05
Pep Assembly @ Rehabilitation Center @ 10:00

Tuesday, October 4th
Dress-Up: Flip Day (HS) and Pajama Day (Elem)
Football Team Included in Elementary Walking Program @ 7:30
Pizza Eating Contest @ 11:55 in the Gym

Wednesday, October 5th
Dress-Up: Dress Like an Animal (HS) and Hat Day (Elem)
Cross-Country Team Included in Elementary Walking Program @ 7:30
Wednesday Afternoon Activities
Volleyball Tournament in Gym

Thursday, October 6th
Dress-Up: Homecoming T-Shirt Day (HS) and Favorite Sport Team (Elem)
Volleyball Team Included in Elementary Walking Program @ 7:30
Coronation @ 7:00 in Gym
Bonfire after Coronation Following Jersey Auction in the back Northwest
corner of the parking lot (by the bus barn)

Friday, October 7th
Dress-Up: School Spirit Day (ALL District)
Cheerleaders Included in Elementary Walking Program @ 7:30
Fall Fitness Day at Elementary
Parade @ 2:30
City Park Pep Rally @ 3:00
Athletics and Fine Arts:
-V Football @ 7:00 @ Home

Saturday, October 8th
Dance in Student Center @ 8:30-11:00

Thursday, September 15, 2011

First Day Program

On the first day of school for BK Jr/Sr High we asked students to give one hour of their time back to the community as a thank you for all the support they provide the students throughout the year. Projects students worked on included painting park benches, washing the ambulance trucks, picking up garbage, and going for walks and talks with residents of the Belmond Rehabilitation Center (to name a few). The students really enjoyed the experience and many have commented that they want to go back!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Poverty In America Stats

15.1% of Americans live in poverty as of 2010 or 46.2 Million Americans!
22% of Children under the age of 18 are living in poverty.
That's 1 in 5!
Look around you, that is approximately 60 students in our building!

Please bring the following items to your Homeroom on Sep. 20th to help these people in need!
7th Graders: Jell-o and Pudding
8th Graders: Pasta of All Kinds
9th Graders: Rice
10th Graders: Macaroni and Cheese
11th Graders: Breakfast Cereal
12th Graders: Toilet Paper

Friday, September 9, 2011

Food Drive for 2011

Throughout the Fall and Winter our Student Council will be working with the Community Food Bank to restock the shelves with some much needed items. To kick-off the campaign there will be a student council led assembly on children in poverty in our neighborhood. It will include recent statistics from the 2010 census on Wright County as well as a 60 Minutes Video Segment on the effect the most current recession is having on our children today. The video is incredibly powerful as it is from the perspective of children and their daily life living in poverty. You may have your students come home and ask to help contribute to the cause, and we ask that you do! Teaching our students empathy and the importance of giving back to those less fortunate will aid us all! You can view the video toward the bottom of this blog.

New Blog!

Welcome to the new Belmond-Klemme Jr./Sr. High Student Council Blog! Below you will see schedules of events coming up, philanthropy projects both in progress and completed, and pictures of school-related events! Enjoy! If you have any questions please contact me at: callie.stein@belmond-klemme.k12.ia.us or at (641)-444-4300 ext. 244