Welcome to the Jr. / Sr. High Student Council Page!

Welcome to the BK Jr/Sr High School Blog! The student council is responsible for putting on a variety of activities including Homecoming and Wintersports. However, there is a lot more to student council than that! We have annual fundraisers and on-going philanthropy projects, aid in community service projects, and address student concerns.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Food Drive for 2011

Throughout the Fall and Winter our Student Council will be working with the Community Food Bank to restock the shelves with some much needed items. To kick-off the campaign there will be a student council led assembly on children in poverty in our neighborhood. It will include recent statistics from the 2010 census on Wright County as well as a 60 Minutes Video Segment on the effect the most current recession is having on our children today. The video is incredibly powerful as it is from the perspective of children and their daily life living in poverty. You may have your students come home and ask to help contribute to the cause, and we ask that you do! Teaching our students empathy and the importance of giving back to those less fortunate will aid us all! You can view the video toward the bottom of this blog.

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