Welcome to the Jr. / Sr. High Student Council Page!

Welcome to the BK Jr/Sr High School Blog! The student council is responsible for putting on a variety of activities including Homecoming and Wintersports. However, there is a lot more to student council than that! We have annual fundraisers and on-going philanthropy projects, aid in community service projects, and address student concerns.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

First Day Program

On the first day of school for BK Jr/Sr High we asked students to give one hour of their time back to the community as a thank you for all the support they provide the students throughout the year. Projects students worked on included painting park benches, washing the ambulance trucks, picking up garbage, and going for walks and talks with residents of the Belmond Rehabilitation Center (to name a few). The students really enjoyed the experience and many have commented that they want to go back!

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